Thursday 10 October 2019

Benefits of Keeping a Diary

In the old days, most people used to keep a diary, but that tradition has died down with the penetration of technology in our society. While many people keep a journal even today, they tend to do so on a digital device like a computer or a smartphone. However, research has found that the traditional way of journaling, i.e. writing using a pen or pencil is still the best way of gaining maximum benefits of keeping a diary.
While technology has made it easy to pay someone to do my essay, there are some things which better be written than typed. One of these things is writing a diary. Keeping and writing a diary has so many mental benefits that almost all the successful people swear by it. So, if you are one of those people who don’t keep a diary, knowing the benefits of keeping one may help you realise its actual significance. In that vein, here are the greatest benefits of keeping a diary.

Positive End to the Day

Throughout the day in our daily lives, we come across many experiences and interactions which we might not deal in a way we wanted. All of these experiences result in build-up thoughts in our heads that tend to linger on throughout the day, at the back of our minds, and resurface at night when we lie down to sleep.
Having these thoughts swirling around in your mind results in poor sleeping pattern, simply because your mind is racing in all directions. Keeping a diary in which you can write down all these thoughts acts as a release or a way to offload all these thoughts and empty your mind.
Moreover, since our mind naturally tends to focus on the negatives, impulsively, writing down the positive things that have happened to you throughout the day, however minor, helps to realise that there are good things in life, which eventually boost your mood. All of this helps you in ending your day on a positive note and makes you fall asleep quickly and easily.

Writing is Relaxing

The growth of technology has changed the way we do things. For example, most of the things we write today are via keyboards or touchscreens. While these are highly convenient methods, they cannot replace the pure and simple act of writing on a paper using a pen or pencil. Our brains tend to be more at home with actual physical contact rather than virtual ones.
This is why the act of writing, itself, is an incredibly relaxing exercise for the brain. As a bonus, you could use scented pens to make the experience more relaxing.

Helps Remembering Things

Science has shown that we tend to remember things better if we physically write them out. With so many distractions vying for our attention today, we are more likely to forget even the smallest and the simplest of things. Keeping a diary helps avoid this, and in case you do forget something, you could always refer to your diary.

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